Melbourne Meet-up (Feb 2024)

Melbourne Meet-up (Feb 2024)

In February 2024, Filipino World Travelers (FWT) gathered for a memorable meet-up in Melbourne. A FWT meet-up took place at South Wharf where Dondon Bales was joined by FWT Affiliates Rolmar Baldonado, who was visiting from Sydney, and Jong Serrano, President and CEO of U-Travel Services, visiting from the Philippines. 

Melbourne Meetup Feb 2024

On a different occasion, FWT Affiliate Rom Tan, visiting from the USA, reunited with Founder Dondon Bales at the elegant Lui Bar, which offers stunning panoramic views of the city. They last saw each other in Yerevan, Armenia last October 2022 while attending the 1st Extraordinary Travel Festival.

Feb 2023 Melbourne 3

Both gatherings were filled with lively conversations, shared travel stories, and plans for future adventures. These meet-ups not only strengthened their bonds but also highlighted the vibrant and growing FWT community.

Feb 2023 Melbourne 2


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